Made in a GMP certified facility.

OzoHerb Ozonated Jojoba Cream

OzoHerb Ozonated Jojoba Cream is a luxury day/night beauty cream for pure Oxygenated skin.

With zero artificial reagents, and only pure medical ozone combined with the benefits of ayurveda, OzoHerb Ozonated Jojoba Cream helps in achieving Anti-aging, supplies required oxygen to skin cells, assists in skin hydration, helps in curing pimples, acne, eczema, rosacea, excellent de-odorizer, and many more.

Not only that, when applied to hair, it treats the root cause of Dandruff, helps in hair growth, thickens and shines hair.

USP & Benefits

  • Oxygenates the skin - enriches the skin cells with adequate oxygen, the most natural beauty and fresness ingredients.
  • Stops bacterial growth on skin cells.
  • Remove Acne, Pimples.
  • Helps in Anti-aging - Removes pigmentation, fine lines.
  • Cellulite reduction.
  • Cleans and sterilizes the epidermis.